"Golf is Not a Game of Perfect" by Dr. Bob Rotella

Golfers of all levels, from beginners to seasoned golf professionals, are constantly seeking ways to improve their game. While technique and physical skills are crucial, the mental aspect of golf is often what separates good players from great ones. Dr. Bob Rotella’s “Golf is Not a Game of Perfect” delves into this mental side of the sport, offering insights and strategies that can help golfers unlock their full potential. In this in-depth review, we’ll explore the key themes, valuable takeaways, and why this book is a must-read for anyone serious about mastering golf’s psychological challenges.

The book was first published in 1995 and has since become a classic in golf literature. Dr. Bob Rotella, a renowned sports psychologist, shares his expertise gathered from years of working with top golfers. The book is a collection of anecdotes, advice, and exercises designed to help golfers develop a winning mindset.

Core Message: Embrace the Imperfect

Dr. Rotella’s central theme is encapsulated in the title itself. He argues that golf is not about achieving perfect shots, but rather about managing the inevitable imperfections and recovering from missteps. He emphasises the importance of accepting mistakes as part of the game and developing a positive mental strategy to deal with them.

“Golfers must learn to love the challenge when they hit a ball into the rough, trees, or sand. The alternatives – anger, fear, whining, and cheating – do no good,” writes Dr. Rotella.

Key Concepts and Strategies

A quote by Dr Bob Rotella from his book Golf is not a game of perfect

The book explores various psychological aspects that impact a golfer’s performance. Here are some key takeaways:

  • The Power of Positive Thinking: One of the central themes in Dr. Rotella’s book is the importance of positive thinking. He emphasises that a golfer’s attitude can significantly impact their performance. Dr. Rotella writes, “Golfers must learn to love the challenge when they hit a ball into the rough, trees, or sand. The alternatives—anger, fear, whining, and cheating—do no good.” This quote highlights the necessity of maintaining a positive outlook, regardless of the situation.
  • Visualisation and Mental Rehearsal: Dr. Rotella advocates for the use of visualisation and mental rehearsal as tools for success. He explains that picturing successful shots in your mind can build confidence and improve execution. “Before you hit a shot, you must see the ball where you want it to finish” Dr. Rotella advises. This mental preparation is crucial for building a consistent and reliable golf game.
  • Focus on Process, Not Outcome: Dr. Rotella encourages golfers to focus on executing their swing mechanics effectively rather than obsessing about the result of each shot. This approach reduces pressure and allows for better shot execution.
  • Confidence and Trust in Your Swing: Confidence is a recurring theme throughout the book. Dr. Rotella stresses that golfers must trust their swings and not get bogged down by technical thoughts during a round. He states, “The best way to get out of your own way is to commit to a swing thought that frees you to swing confidently.” By trusting their preparation and focusing on a single swing thought, golfers can play more freely and effectively.
  • Embrace the Challenge: The book reframes mistakes as opportunities for growth and learning. By viewing challenges positively, golfers can maintain composure and bounce back from setbacks.

Impact and Legacy

“Golf is Not a Game of Perfect” has garnered praise for its insightful and practical approach. Many golfers, from amateurs to professionals, have credited the book with improving their mental game and unlocking their potential on the course.

The book’s influence extends beyond the golf course. The concepts of positive self-talk, managing emotions, and focusing on process are applicable to various aspects of life, making this a valuable read for anyone seeking to improve their mental well-being.

Practical Advice and Exercises

Dr. Bob Rotalla’s book is not just theoretical; it provides practical advice and exercises to help golfers implement Dr. Rotella’s teachings. For example, he suggests keeping a “success journal” where golfers record their positive experiences on the course. This practice helps reinforce a positive mindset and builds confidence over time.

He also introduces the concept of “playing to play great” rather than “playing not to play poorly.” This shift in mindset encourages golfers to take calculated risks and play aggressively, leading to better performance and greater enjoyment of the game.

"The best way to get out of your own way is to commit to a swing thought that frees you to swing confidently."

Real-World Applications and Success Stories

Throughout the book, he shares success stories of golfers who have benefited from his teachings. These anecdotes serve to illustrate the effectiveness of his methods and provide inspiration to readers. One notable example is Tom Kite, a professional golfer who worked with Dr. Rotella and went on to achieve significant success on the PGA Tour. Kite’s story exemplifies how mental training can complement physical skills to produce outstanding results.

Criticisms and Considerations

While “Golf is Not a Game of Perfect” is widely praised, some readers may find that it lacks specific technical advice on swing mechanics. However, this is by design, as Dr. Rotella’s focus is on the mental game rather than the physical aspects of golf. Some may also feel that the book’s repetitive emphasis on positive thinking and confidence might be overly simplistic. Nonetheless, the strategies and insights provided are valuable and applicable to golfers at all levels.

Additional Resources

Looking to shave strokes off your game? In this video, Jonathan Taylor shares 30 mental tips to help you improve your focus, manage pressure, and develop a winning mindset on the course. From course strategy to pre-shot routines, Jonathan will equip you with the mental tools you need to unlock your golfing potential and transform your game from the inside out.

Hitting mental roadblocks as much as sand traps?  Golf.com writer Susie Meyers dives into the power of positive thinking in “How to Use the Power of Positive Thinking to Improve Your Game.” This article explores how replacing negativity with a positive mindset can boost your focus, manage pressure, and ultimately lead to lower scores and a more enjoyable golfing experience.

David MacKenzie shares the powerful technique of mental rehearsal in this article.  This approach involves visualising your golf shots in detail, boosting your confidence, and improving course strategy – all before you even step onto the green.

Jason Day explains his pre shot routine for golf, giving you a look into his mental game for golf by explaining his visualization and execution thought processes for his golf pre-shot routine.


Dr. Bob Rotella’s “Golf is Not a Game of Perfect” is an essential read for golfers looking to improve their mental game. The book offers a wealth of practical advice, backed by real-world success stories, making it both informative and inspiring. By focusing on the psychological aspects of golf, he provides a unique perspective that can help golfers achieve their full potential. Whether you’re a novice or a seasoned pro, this book is a valuable addition to your golf library.




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